New Advent Study and Sermon Series

This Advent, beginning Sunday, November 29th, Pastor Glen invites you to participate in a study and sermon series based on J.D. Walt’s new Advent study, The Christian New Year.

The study consists of daily devotional readings which are available in book form as well as through the Daily Text devotional that Pastor Glen reads each day in the Daily Devotions. Pastor Glen will also present a sermon series using the same theme, which follows the devotional series. There are also videos that go along with the readings. And, iff there is enough interest, he will also host a Zoom meeting each week to discuss the readings and the sermon!

You can obtain the study book by going to: The cost of the book and videos is $16.95 plus shipping. A Kindle version (plus videos) is also available for $12.95. And you can avoid all costs by simply subscribing to the Daily Text and/or tune in on Facebook Live each morning at 9:00 AM for Daily Devotions.

More details will be forthcoming. But if you want to participate in the study, you may want to order the book soon since we are told that shipping this Christmas is going to be slow!