Doctrine Matters: Resurrection
Sermon: This Sunday, Pastor Glen will continue the sermon series “Doctrine Matters.” Our doctrinal topic this week is “Resurrection.” To follow along in the YouVersion Bible app, click here. To access our live online service, click here at 10:30am.
Music: Christina will lead the worship set this Sunday. Her lineup includes some songs that may be new to you. You can preview them here: Won’t Stop Now, See a Victory & Do it Again. Pastor Glen and Catie will be singing “Jesus” by Debby Kerner for the children’s song and for the offering, our quartet will be singing “If Ye Love Me” acapella this week. Our hymns are #322 “Up from the Grave He Arose” & #310 “He Lives”.
Fellowship: After worship, at around 11:45, join us on Zoom for The Fount Family Fellowship Time. If you have any questions about Zoom or connecting to Facebook Live, Julie is on duty at the church office phone (714-962-2593) on Sunday morning, so give her a call! Here is the Zoom meeting URL: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/661969353. Just click that link at around 11:45 and you should be joined to the meeting.
All of the blue text in this email are links to more information, so just click or tap on those links to be taken to the target site.
REMINDER: Our Hymn Sing is this moving to the in person service as of this Sunday. Join us on the lawn at 8:45am to sing your favorite hymns, before the 9am service.
Whether it is in-person or online, we look forward to worshipping with you this Sunday.