I don’t know about you, but with the pandemic, I buy a lot of things online nowadays! And many of my purchases go through Amazon.
Some time ago, we signed the church up to receive charitable giving through Amazon Smile. How this works is that you designate The Fount as your charity, and then buy things from Amazon and their partners by going through the Amazon Smile website (https://smile.amazon.com). Then, Amazon donates a percentage of your purchase back to the church!
It’s that simple!
Think it won’t make a lot of difference? Check this out:
Imagine if all of us did this?!?
Go to the link above, and designate your charity as “The Fount.” And start funding the church with no extra cost to you! Call Julie in the church office (714-962-2593) if you want some help setting this up for you.
And, thanks for your help!
Pastor Glen