We are in a very contentious time in our country: election time. Sometimes it feels like a war! With all of the rhetoric and vitriol, one is tempted to move to a mountain cabin away from all media, social or otherwise!
But as followers of Jesus Christ, and citizens of the United States of America, we have a responsibility to register our votes. At the same time, we are called to love, and to uplift others, even if they judge us to be unworthy of the same!
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist movement (from which The Fount comes) counseled his followers to:
1. Vote for the person you judge most worthy.
2. Speak no evil of the person you voted against.
3. Take care your spirits are not sharpened against those that voted on the other side.
Good advice!
Here at The Fount, we don’t tell our members HOW to vote; we just urge our members TO vote. Use your vote to influence our culture to move toward the values and morals of the Kingdom of God, however you interpret that (using the Bible). And, of course, pray about your vote. Ask God to guide you in the votes you will cast.
Don’t just passively watch and then complain when things don’t turn out the way you would like! Vote!