Sunday, October 4th was World Communion Sunday, and during our 9:00 AM in-person (outside) service, we received Holy Communion, marking the annual “World Communion Sunday”. All over the world, Christians gathered around the table to receive the sacrament.
A special offering is being taken for World Communion Sunday that goes toward scholarships for ethnic minority students who will go into some form of ministry upon graduation. Here is a testimony of one such student:
Johnny Henry Llerena Zegarra is a student at Duke Divinity School, Durham, North Carolina. In 2018, his wife and two daughters traveled from Peru to join him in the United States. “The congregation where I minister,” he said, “welcomed me and my family with much appreciation and respect.”
Being the sole breadwinner for his family proved challenging, but the staff at Duke encouraged Zegarra to apply for the World Communion Sunday scholarship. “The scholarship is a relief for my family budget,” he said, “because the health insurance that I pay for my family is very expensive. Now I can fulfill my ministry and my studies without worrying much about that payment.”
After Zegarra graduates with a master of divinity degree, he dreams of serving a diverse congregation. “I hope to create new partnerships that link our congregation with the community and support the most vulnerable populations,” he explained.
Truly, your World Communion Sunday gifts make a difference. Thank you!
—Adapted from “World Communion Sunday Supports Strong Future Leaders” by Elsie Cunningham. Used by permission.
Mark your special gift “World Communion Sunday” either on a check or online. Thank you for your generosity!