The Seaver Family is Home

Hello Fount Family! It’s been an exciting two months and we just want to say thank you so much for giving us this time to connect and find a new rhythm. Our time away was full of being together exploring, engaging and stretching. We spent a month on the road in a travel trailer seeing parts of the country we’d never seen before. Turns out, there’s so much beauty out there but a lot of it is pretty flat and spread out. Who knew?

We swam in the Colorado River, visited a meteor crater, played in a corn field, went fishing, drove through a zoo and even hiked in the Grand Canyon. Most of all, we spent a lot of time with family and friends in Wichita (Alex, Eric, Maggie and Judah Willems say hello!). I was also able to connect with a couple of pastors in the Wichita area to talk about what their experience has been like during the pandemic and share with them some of the things I’ve been working on. I hope to connect with them again soon.

The thing that struck me the most on our trip was how different Orange County is from most of the places we passed through. Our route took us through Historic Route 66 and it was eye opening. So much of the route was marked by decaying buildings and depressed towns. It pained me to see what must have once been bustling towns deserted and buildings left to rot. It reminded me of how futile the plans of man are and that only God and His church survive the passing of time. Our best laid plans end up as junk piled by the road sooner or later. I pray that this truth would encourage us to put Him ahead of all else and seek our place in His eternal truth.

We want to say thank you again so much for the opportunity and for all of you who supported us financially, THANK YOU for making this dream of ours a reality. Blessings to you and we’ll see you Sunday!

-Ric Seaver