The colors in the Sanctuary have been changed, preparations are made, the worship team will gather and YOU are invited to worship this Sunday, May 31st, for Pentecost Sunday!
The service will begin at 10:30 am (PDT) on Facebook Live. There will be a video of a dramatic reading of the Acts 2 passage from Asbury Seminary. The hymns we will sing are #331 “Holy Spirit, Come, Confirm Us” and #334 “Sweet, Sweet Spirit”. The Fount Quartet will sing “Come, Holy Ghost” by Thomas Attwood. Emanuela Arghir will lead the contemporary worship singing, which you can preview here. Pastor Glen will give a message titled “Together in One Place” (and you can follow along in YouVersion Events in the YouVersion Bible app, or click here).
After worship, you can join in a time of virtual fellowship by going to The Fount Group Facebook page (different from the page where you watch the service). Click here to go to the group page and then join the Room called “Fellowship Time”. If it won’t allow you to see the page or join, email Pastor Glen and he will help you get in.
We post the worship service on our YouTube channel if you would like to watch the service after it streams live.
Let’s all pray that the Holy Spirit will descend upon us once again to empower us to BE the church as we move forward in this “new normal”!