Our scouts (Troops 567B and 567G, sponsored by The Fount) have been busy since COVID-19’s stay at home orders began! After a fun start to the year with our Vasquez Rocks and snow camp weekends, many of our scheduled events and activities were disrupted, but scouts have adapted and figured out new ways to adjust their programming while simultaneously giving back to the community.
Both troops (boys and girls) have been finding new ways to communicate and stay in touch by holding virtual (zoom/skype) meetings from home. They have participated in merit badge classes, virtual camp-ins, leadership development, troop meetings, and other routine scout meetings. Scouts have also found ways to stay active together by organizing many outdoor activities, such as physically distanced walks, hikes, and bike rides.
We were encouraged to continue our community service activities and the scouts responded by helping the community stay safe and healthy by devoting time to sewing and delivering masks. Two scouts from 567B (boys) and 567G (girls) also created an instructional video on DIY (Do It Yourself) masks to help educate the public and assist with the mask shortage. Masks were donated to UCI Medical Center.
Scouts will be getting involved with the Million Pieces of Trash Pickup movement and supporting the OC Food Bank.
Despite the setbacks from COVID-19, troops remain positive and productive; scouts are continuing to find ways to improve themselves and help their community and continue to move forward.
(Our thanks to Rajan Bodla, Troop 567B Historian, for this article!)