The Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) has created an international prayer network and is sponsoring a powerful global prayer event, PRAYER WAVES, this Sunday, April 5th, from 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm (local time). Sessions will begin in Africa at their local time and flow westward. We are calling for fasting the 24 hours prior to this event.
During the PRAYER WAVES event, there will be a time of focused prayer including a:
TIME OF REPENTANCE: repenting of our own sins, the sins of the church and the sins of the world;
TIME OF CRYING OUT TO GOD: asking God for His mercy and forgiveness
TIME OF PRAYING INTO GOD’S KINGDOM VISION: praying into His vision for His Church; praying He will raise up leaders who are wholehearted disciples, willing to lay down their lives to follow Him; praying for those writing the new Book of Doctrines and Discipline; pray for apostolic ministry that will heal the sick, cast out demons and declare the Word of God. We want to cast in prayer what we believe God can do, to call into being what is not as if it is. We want to pray into what God can do through the Methodist movement globally. There is not a place for us to be fearful or to worry, as He has commanded us against these things in His Word.
If you would like to join us, we will be using zoom to come together. You can join via computer or smartphone including video or just audio.
Please use the meeting number and code below:
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 742 186 298
Password: 012232
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,742186298# US (San Jose)
+13462487799,,742186298# US (Houston)
We serve the God who SEES and KNOWS, who is already working in this current crisis for good for those who love Him. THANK YOU for laying your life down to serve His Church on earth through the work of intercession. We are united under His banner with all believers on earth and in heaven!
Lead on, O King Eternal!
Cyndy Haworth, Prayer Coordinator
Cell (909) 342-8302