We are planning on offering worship through the marvel of technology this Sunday and for the foreseeable future. This email will provide you with the information you need to log in either on a computer, cell phone or regular phone.
The service will be live streamed on our Facebook page. If you have a Facebook account, all you have to do is “Like” our Facebook page and you will be notified when we go live. If you do not have a Facebook account, we recommend that you sign up for one. It is free. We will be doing a lot of our online ministry on Facebook, because it is the easiest and more popular platform. If you need help getting set up, call Julie on the church office phone (714-962-2593). She can step you through the process. Our Facebook page is located at http://www.facebook.com/thefount.church.
We will also be simulcasting the service in audio only for those who would rather just listen to the service. That will be sent out over Zoom. In order to access this audio-only version of the service, call this number: (669) 900-6833, enter this meeting ID: 709 711 327, and you should be good to go. Again, if you have trouble, call Julie at the church office number for help.
During the service, we will be singing some worship songs and a hymn. If you have a UM Hymnal at home, you’re all set. But if not, and you would like one, we have many copies in the Prayer Room at church. Call the church office number and arrange to pick one up or have one delivered to your home. You can also access the UM Hymnal online. For this Sunday, the closing hymn will be: https://hymnary.org/hymn/UMH/377. We’ll also post this on the Facebook feed in case you want to sing!
You can follow along with the sermon that Pastor Glen will give Sunday morning by accessing the “Events” function of the YouVersion Bible app. You can also find it on the web at: http://bible.com/events/7139492. That address will change each week, so watch for the new one for the following Sunday.
Finally, do not show up at the church on Sunday morning! We are practicing “social distancing” and following the directions of professional health experts. Only a skeleton crew will be at the church on Sunday morning, and the doors will be locked. Stay safe, and let’s weather this storm together by staying connected as best we can!
As always, let us know if you have any needs. We have a supply of toilet paper, some food, and other supplies. If you need anything, call the church office.