2020 Spring Event – Cal-Pac WCA

Big things are happening in The United Methodist Church! There may very well be a division of the denomination this year, so where does that leave us at The Fount?

On Saturday, March 14th, The Fount and Cal-Pac WCA will hold a Spring Event, featuring Rev. Dr. Bob Kaylor, a member of the WCA Council and pastor of Tri-Lakes UMC in Monument, Colorado.

There will be a WCA membership meeting at 9:00 AM (for WCA members only), and then the public Spring Event starts at 10:30 AM in our Sanctuary, with worship and the Word. Lunch will be catered, and an extended Q&A period with Dr. Kaylor after lunch. All of your questions about how we transition into a new Methodist movement will be answered. Worship and fellowship with fellow evangelical Methodists will be sweet!

Registration is $30 per person. Register at http://www.calpacwca.net. We cannot guarantee lunch for those who do not pre-register. Plan now to be here for this historic event! See Pastor Glen or Lay Leader Ted Smith for more information.