Ted Smith Needs a Few Good Men

NOTE: This program has been canceled.

Hey guys, here’s an opportunity to both help a fellow Fount member and to grow in your faith!

Ted Smith is taking a class in Spiritual Formation in the process of Lay Ministry certification. An assignment he has requires that he work with 3 to 5 men over the course of 5-6 weeks, focusing on their spiritual life and growth. If you’re a man and would be willing to meet with Ted and the other men before or after church on Sundays, please connect with Ted and let him know and get all the details! Ted’s contact information is in our online church directory (https://thefount.churchofficechms.com) and in our mobile app. If you’re not up and running on this system, you can call Julie in the church office (or email her at office@thefount.church) and she will give you his contact information.

How ’bout it, men? Are you up for a challenge?