This coming Sunday, March 3rd, we have the privilege of hearing the Rev. Keith Boyette, the global President of the Wesleyan Covenant Association, as he comes to preach during our Sunday morning worship! Rev. Boyette will be in our community to speak at the Cal-Pac WCA Chapter’s Spring Event on Saturday, and has graciously offered to bring the Word on Sunday morning.
The Fount is a congregational member of the WCA and was the first congregation to join the WCA from our annual conference back in 2016. As such we are pleased to host Keith this weekend.
On Saturday, Rev. Boyette will be addressing the just-completed Special General Conference of The United Methodist Church and what its actions mean for traditional orthodox United Methodist Christians, especially in this annual conference. So come on Saturday to hear the latest. But on Sunday, he will bring the Word of God to us. His sermon will be “Where You Are Planted Matters” based on Psalm 1 (NLT).
Come to worship this Sunday morning at 10:30 AM and bring a friend!