Julie Laffoon Hired as Office Manager

It was announced this past Sunday that the Human Resources Team has hired Julie Laffoon as our new Church Office Manager. Julie began her new position this morning, Tuesday, November 13th.

Julie is a member of The Fount and has served in various leadership roles. She also helps with the children on Sunday morning. Her love of the Lord and of this church, coupled with her abilities and skills in the office make her an outstanding candidate for this position!

The office hours will be adjusted slightly in order to accommodate Julie’s previous commitments. For now, the hours that the office will be open are: Monday – Tuesday and Thursday – Friday from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM. On Wednesday from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM. Please keep these hours in mind when calling or stopping by the church office.

We welcome Julie to the church office and look forward to what the Lord will do in and through her in the ministries of The Fount!