Expressing Our Gratitude

Thanksgiving is such a wonderful time of year! Next to Christmas, it is often identified as the favorite holiday, and with good reason. All the wonderful smells, tastes and rich fellowship of families and friends makes Thanksgiving a special time!

It also affords us the opportunity to consider that for which we are grateful.

In these trying times of shifting morals and fluid teachings, even in churches, I am thankful for The Fount. We can depend on The Fount to provide orthodox teaching and historic Christian morals regardless of where popular culture is going. We proclaim a timeless Gospel of Jesus Christ, and Him crucified and raised, providing hope and assurance for those who would follow Him. And with our Wesleyan heritage, we stand in a great tradition of disciple-making and world-changing!

I want to invite you to consider a special (over and above your regular tithes) offering this Thanksgiving to express your gratitude to God for The Fount and its ministries. You can send or bring your special offering, marked “Thanksgiving”, to the church at any time, but especially for this coming Sunday, November 18th. Your special gift will help us approach the end of the year in good shape to meet our budgetary obligations and mission commitments. What a wonderful way to say “Thank You!” to God for undergirding this unique and awesome church!

Thank you for your generous second-mile gift! And on behalf of the entire church and preschool staff, I want to wish you and yours a very Happy Thanksgiving!

In Christ’s Love,

Pastor Glen Haworth