Hello Friends!
Since I recently took on the responsibilities of Lay Leader, I thought I’d “introduce” myself as I begin my newest role in service to each of you.
I accepted Christ in my life at around the age of 10 (give or take a few years) while at church with a friend and her family. However, it wasn’t until my 30’s that I had an adult encounter with the Lord which changed the course of my life. The Holy Spirit has since taught me through God’s word, mentors, teachers, seminars, Bible studies, listening to radio pastors (my favorite is Chuck Swindoll of Insight for Living), and through living life itself.
I don’t have a college degree in ministry. But in 1 Peter 4:10-11 we are told that God gives us spiritual gifts and to use them well to serve one another – all to bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. Through the gifts I was given, I serve you.
What I have to offer you is a true love of God and His Word and approximately 30 years of ministry in the church. My “resume” includes participating in mini church services at a Salvation Army homeless shelter (usually doing the devotional); teaching teen, adult, and women’s Bible studies; mentoring; preaching to fill-in for pastors; and assisting in various other ways since that amazing day when God woke me up. My passion is to “equip the saints” through the living, relevant Word of God.
Please feel free to contact me if I can serve you in some manner, if you have ideas to share, suggestions to make, or just to chat! I work full time but, if I can’t pick up a call, please leave a voice mail, text me, email me, or catch me on a Sunday.
Your servant,
Beth Silvers