Messy Church
Our God is a God of second chances. He welcomes us home to him no matter what we’ve done. It’s hard to believe that God even loves “bad guys” as kids like to call them. When Jesus was punished for crimes he didn’t commit he gave the criminal next to him the chance to receive eternal life, even at the very last possible second. We made some cross necklaces with Nancy Whitmore to remind us of how Jesus showed his love for us and practiced some chemistry with Jerry Jensen to exemplify how allowing the Holy Spirit into our lives creates power to do God’s will. Join us in April to celebrate “New Life, Just in Time!” and learn how Jesus timing was perfect for one man’s sick daughter.
Palm Sunday
It was such a blessing to see so many kids join us for this year’s Palm Sunday service. This year we decided to create another point of spiritual connection for our kids. Rather than use some previously cut palm branches, we assisted them in choosing and trimming a palm branch off of our very own trees at The Fount! Now, whenever they’re on campus and pass by those trees hopefully they’ll be reminded that those were the trees that provided the branches we used to celebrate Jesus triumphal
entry into Jerusalem!