How Are We Living Out Our Mission?

Here’s a question for all of us:  How are you living out the mission of  “making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world?”  What does that look like for you?  What is YOUR vision for living out this mission of our church?

For some, it may be working with kids, teaching and/or mentoring them. Maybe, like Jerry Jensen, your teach or help kids learn about something other than Christian faith (like physics), but at the same time, you demonstrate the character of a Christian to the kids and enable them to see what being a Christian looks like.

Maybe you’re retired, and your vision for living out this mission is inter-relating with neighbors and friends, sharing your life and your faith in the process. Maybe you are purposely mentoring a person who is younger in faith than you are, helping them to negotiate the challenges of life as a follower of Jesus.  Or maybe you are working with neighbors to help keep each other safe and to
improve the lives of the people in your neighborhood.  Always remember that as a follower of Jesus, you are “always on” in witnessing to what Jesus has done in your life. You can’t take a “day off” from that!

Or maybe you are involved in one or more of our ministries here at the Fount— everybody should be!  Do you work with Welcome Home or at the Preschool at The Fount?  Are you involved in the worship ministries?  Maybe you help usher, or sing in the choir, or lead as a worship host?  Whatever you do, it isn’t just about the work, it is also about the witness.  Each person you meet deserves to see what Jesus has done in your life to transform you into the Christian you are and are becoming.

If we can all start to think in these terms, we will find that our church’s life will deepen and thrive. We are a small congregation, but our God is a Great, Big God!

How are you “making disciples for Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world”?

Easter Blessings,

Pastor Glen