It’s Spring Season

Most of you know that I am a BIG fan of baseball. The Angels, to be specific, but baseball in general.  Every year at this time I get all excited because the Angels are gathering in Tempe, Arizona, to once again begin training for the new baseball season (which begins in April).

It’s an exciting time, because no matter how a team did last year (and the Angels did not do very well), the slate is wiped clean and hope “springs” eternal!  This could be the year! Anything is possible!  Can you say “World Series”?!?

Just as in baseball, God gives us a new opportunity with a clean slate each and every morning.  When I awake and greet the new day, I am reminded that “This is the day which the Lord has made!”  And I choose to rejoice and be glad in it! I am also glad and rejoice that God gives me this new chance to live life right and to please Him by what I do with my day.  Not that I can be righteous in my own strength, I’m wiser than that.  But I can choose to tap into God’s strength to live more like Jesus. Anything is possible! Can you say “Sanctification”?!?

Because we are about “Making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world” it is important that we believe this and share this with others.  Their past failures, like ours, are in the past and God give us and them a new opportunity each and every day.  We don’t have to be weighed down by our sins and failures; we can walk in newness of life.  And so can they. It’s called repentance, and it’s a good thing. So let’s do that!

Here’s to the completion of a Holy Lent!

In Christ,

Pastor Glen