Hymn Sing at The Fount

At the meeting of the Nurture Team on January 21st, it was decided to alter the “Awakening Hymn Sing” in order to provide a more impacting experience and to encourage more participation. Starting in February, we will invite people to submit hymn requests using the slips that will be inserted in the bulletin on the first Sunday, and then available in the narthex thereafter.  These requests will then be sorted and included in the hymn sing and in the Sunday morning services.


We will be adding more hymns to the Sunday morning services, including those submitted as requests, as they fit into the theme of the morning.  We’ll also be switching up the order of the service somewhat in order to accommodate additional hymns and add variety to the Sunday worship experience at The Fount.

Beginning in February, we will have the Awakening Hymn Sing only on the Second Sunday of the month, starting at 10:15 AM. On other Sundays, we invite you to come and be seated quietly in the Sanctuary as you prayerfully prepare for worship, which will begin at 10:30.   Those desiring to engage in conversation are urged to do so in the courtyard/gazebo area before entering the Sanctuary.


If you have questions or concerns, please see Pastor Glen, Jonathan Kupper or Cyndy Haworth.