Journey to Bethlehem

After nearly three months of practice and preparation we finally got to enjoy Journey to Bethlehem!  This production included kids from four different congregations and our preschool.  It was exciting to see kids from so many places come together and work on something bigger than their own congregations could have done on it’s own.  So many kids today will never have the opportunity to be in a small church Pageant or even get on stage in their church.  I believe that being involved in things like Christmas Pageants are foundational for children’s connection to their community of faith.  Parents, friends and extended family members came to see their loved ones give glory to God through this dramatic representation of how the Innkeeper felt after he realized he sent a very important family to sleep in the stable.  Special thanks to everyone who supported the production behind the scenes: Stephanie and Mike Parsons, Lety Seaver, Lisa and Ray Kudukis, Alex and Eric Willems, Nathan Haworth, Karen Wilson, Meredith Williams, and Pat Stoaks.