The summer is just about over, school is about to start again, and vacations are concluding (except for Cyndy’s and my 40th Anniversary cruise to Alaska!). It is time to get back to the business of saving souls!
Obviously, I jest. It is ALWAYS the time for the business of saving souls. It’s just that we sometimes get involved in other things, or take a break from church, during the summer. But we should never take a break from our Christian vocation!
This fall, The Fount has many wonderful opportunities planned for you and your family to get involved and participate. What a wonderful privilege it is to worship the Lord and serve Him through The Fount! Soon, our campus will be brimming with the sounds and smiles of preschool children and their teachers. Soon, the Bible 101 class will begin meeting, resurrecting a tradition for our church that reckons back to the “Academy” days. Soon, Messy Church will be back and we will be soul-deep in activities and teachings from the Bible.
I have been studying hard on the topic of Worship, and I’ll be giving some sermons on the topic this fall. We are working on plans for a Thanksgiving Eve service of worship, involving the various
congregations meeting on our campus. And plans are being made to present a Christmas Pageant, involving children and adults from the several congregations sharing our campus. Vision 2020 is forging on, working on a new sign, repainting the preschool and a lot more!
I invite you to plan on coming “Back to Church” (even if you haven’t been away) this season and join us as we Fall for Jesus once again!
Agape (Christian love),
Pastor Glen