Vision 2020 Update

Plans are moving along in our Vision 2020 campaign to prepare the church for ministry in 2020 and beyond!  If you haven’t yet turned in a pledge card for the campaign, call the church office or pick up a Vision 2020 brochure in the Narthex of the Sanctuary.

The first project being tackled is a new sign for the front lawn of the church.  The design for the sign is being worked on and we are hoping to have a new sign by Christmas!

Some families are pledging toward certain projects in the Vision 2020 campaign, projects that excite them and they want to support.  Here are just a few of them for you to consider supporting:

Air Conditioning
Sound System and acoustical treatment
Chancel remodel

Multi-Purpose Room
Acoustical treatment
Baptismal resurfacing
Patio shade

Air Conditioning
New Play structure

Whole Campus
Parking lot slurry
Front lawn landscaping
Solar electrical system

Trim painting
Garage door
Main sewer line

Let Karen Olson know what you would like to support, or just turn in a pledge card!  Thanks!