I Have a Confession

I had all the right intentions to preach a series of sermons on worship during the month of August. God has been dealing with me for quite a while that I needed to get into the subject of worship for The Fount and flesh out some of the biblical concepts and discipleship lifestyles that would lead us into becoming a more worshiping congregation. In my three years as your pastor, I have experienced some wonderful times of worship as well as some dry times within myself and the congregation.

But as I settled down to begin the planning for this series, it became more and more evident to me that I am not ready, and if I am not ready, we are not ready. You see, my struggle is not in putting together a sermon series; my struggle is that worship is a balancing act between our heads and our hearts. And while our heads might be ready to explore the topic of worship, I need to re-establish a posture of worship for myself that will translate into something that resembles leadership.  In other words, I need to get my worship on!

That said, I’m going to postpone the series on worship for a little while, and  instead refocus on living a  lifestyle of worship in both my personal and my pastor- leader life.  And as the time is right, I will invite you to join me in learning to worship God throughout each and every day, in Spirit and in Truth, allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us into a deeper place where worship can and will (super) naturally bubble up in us and through us. It is my desire that we begin by worshiping whenever we get together (in small groups, meetings, etc).  We have all learned how to read the Bible and pray in our individual devotional times, but do we fully know what it is to worship God in our own prayer closets?

As I prayed and worshiped in preparing this, I listened to a song by Rita Springer, called “Defender” (search for it on YouTube, iTunes, Amazon Music and elsewhere and listen to it).  In the song are these lines:  “You know before I do | Where my heart can seek to find Your truth | Your mercy is the shade I’m living in | You restore my faith and hope again | All I did was praise | All I did was worship | All I did was bow down | All I did was stay still”.  It struck me that all of our striving for spiritual growth, vitality, “church growth” etc. is all in vain unless the Lord is the center, truly the center, of our lives and our worship of Him emanates from that center.

So I need more time; time to study, time to pray… to fast… to worship and to listen for God’s still small voice in leading me into this very important season. Will you pray with me, and for me? Will you ask God to reveal His plan for The Fount,  moving forward, that we can dive deeper into worship, deeper into the Spirit, deeper into the Word, and deeper into the kind of ministry that will truly transform our lives and our world?

I am excited about this next season in our lives and where God is going to take us. I am full of hope and anticipation!


Pastor Glen