Signs of the Times Sermon Series

Pastor Glen will be starting a four-part sermon series on August 6th called “Signs of the Times.” No, it isn’t about the Second Coming! It is about some very important things about Christian discipleship (following Jesus), using road signs as the launching pad.

He will unpack such things as One Way, Stop, Yield, and Slow, Children at Play. How do these things relate to following Jesus, you ask? Come to church during August and find out! Here’s some clues:

  1. One Way (Acts 4:5-12)
  2. Stop (Numbers 22:22-35)
  3. Yield (Philippians 2:1-4)
  4. Slow, Children At Play (Mark 4:18-19)

Hymn sing starts at 10:15 with worship beginning at 10:30 AM each and every Sunday. See YOU in church!