This year’s VBS for Preschool-aged children was so fun and encouraging. It’s amazing to see God at work in our members while they share God’s love with kids. Fourteen children, many of whom are not regular church attenders came, experienced God’s love and learned that God wants them to be a part of His Big Story found in the Bible and beyond. Thank you to all of the volunteers who made it possible!
Registration: Pat Stoaks and Karen Wilson
Creative Station: Stephanie Parsons, Erika De Los Santos, and Pauline Henning
Games: Dominic Laffoon
Storyteller: Glen Haworth
General Support: Julie Laffoon and Lety Seaver
Clean Up Crew: Peggy and Jerry Jensen
And a HUGE thank you to all of our youth leaders: Evelyn, Emily M., Lizzy, Daniel, Randy, Emily S., and Erik.