At the recent Western Jurisdictional Conference it was decided to move Bishop Minerva Carcaño to the California-Nevada Conference and to assign to our annual conference, Bishop Grant Hagiya.
Bishop Hagiya has spent the past eight years as the leader of the Greater Northwest Episcopal Area, presiding over the Alaska, Pacific Northwest, and Oregon-Idaho Annual Conferences of The United Methodist Church. Previously, Bishop Hagiya was ordained a Deacon in 1976 and an Elder in 1980. He was appointed to three churches in his ministry career: Berkeley UMC in the California-Nevada Annual Conference, as well as North Gardena UMC and Centenary UMC (both in the California-Pacific Annual Conference). He has served as the Chairperson for the Cal-Pac Conference Board of Ordained Ministry, taught at the Claremont School of Theology, and was the superintendent of the Los Angeles District. He was elected to the episcopacy in 2008.
Please pray for Bishop Hagiya as he assumes his ministry amongst us on September 1st.