Put this on your calendar right now and plan to attend a very special Holy Week series of revival services at FVUMC! United Methodist Evangelist, Wesley Putnam is coming to share the Gospel with us and call us to a deeper walk with the Savior. Through music, teaching and dramatic presentation, Wesley knows how to draw a congregation into the biblical story!
This will be a great event to invite friends, neighbors and family to come and enjoy. There will be a special program for children, called “Bible Quest” in which the kids will learn the Gospel and important Bible stories. They can earn medals for memorizing Scriptures, too!
Wesley will preach at the Sunday morning service on Palm Sunday, March 20th. And then, each evening (Sunday through Wednesday), he will lead the kids in Bible Quest at 6:00 PM and the youth and adults in an evening service at 7:00 PM.
Revival services like this are a part of our “Gospel Swamp” heritage! You won’t want to miss this important event in the life of our church.