Unless you have been living under a rock for the last several years, you are aware that our denomination, The United Methodist Church, is severely stressed and divided over the issue of homosexuality, same-sex marriage and openly gay clergy (not to mention abortion). With annual conference just completed, no doubt you will read news stories about actions taken (or not taken). And as 2016 nears, the General Conference in Portland will foster even more speculation about where our church stands on these issues.
Let me be crystal clear. The United Methodist Church still holds to the historic, biblical teachings on sexual ethics. Our General Conference (which is the ONLY body that can speak for the denomination) has repeatedly reaffirmed its belief that “the practice of homosexuality… [is] incompatible with Christian teaching” (para. 161 F). We further “support laws in civil society that define marriage as the union of one man and one woman.” (para. 161 B) Consequently, “Ceremonies that celebrate homosexual unions shall not be conducted by our ministers and shall not be conducted in our churches.” (para. 341.6) These are the official, public stances of our denomination. Fountain Valley United Methodist Church agrees with these stances and upholds our church’s teachings. Regardless of what other United Methodists believe and do, publically or privately, this is where we stand as a congregation and as a denomination. The prospects of those stances changing at the 2016 General Conference are slim to none.
But there are those determined to change these historic, biblical stances and are going so far as to disobey the Book of Discipline (paragraphs referenced above). Unfortunately, some bishops and annual conferences are unwilling to uphold the law of the church and are either ignoring the disobedience or handing down “resolutions” that offer no real consequences for the disobedience. The situation is untenable. Progressive (liberal) UMs who want to change our historic stances believe that the denomination can stay unified even while some of them disobey the covenant that forms our unity! My belief and hope is that the General Conference in 2016 will put some severe and strict consequences in place for those who disobey our rules. If that happens, those who wish to change our rules, but who cannot, will simply leave the denomination and pursue their calling in another, less biblical denomination.
Pray for our denomination. Ask God to let His will and way have sway in Portland next year. We will continue to be faithful to Scripture and to the Book of Discipline here at FVUMC, so rest assured. Your Church Council is looking at ways to protect the church in the current situation with civil laws changing and ecclesiastical authorities in rebellion. Pray for your church and pray for me. Pray for our bishop and district superintendent. Pray for those who will gather in Portland next year to address this crisis. Let this whole issue be bathed in prayer!
Pastor Glen