Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Welcome Home ministries are currently suspended. Our hearts ache for those who are needing these services. We will re-open just as soon as it is safe for everyone. Watch this website for updates.


Since 1997 Fountain Valley United Methodist (now known as The Fount) has offered a variety of free services to people in need in our community every Saturday morning. A team of dedicated volunteers faithfully come each week to pull off this endeavor. Welcome Home serves about 80 men and women from the Huntington Beach/Fountain Valley area who are struggling with homelessness or other challenges. Our guests are offered the following:

An amazing, bountiful, carefully-prepared and delicious breakfast with a lots of choices. This breakfast is our specialty, and we enjoy doing it right with pride.
  1. A clean, warm shower
  2. A free haircut (when available)
  3. Free laundry services
  4. A change of clothes
  5. Teaching from the Bible
  6. Worship and prayer
  7. Friendship among workers and guests
If you would like to serve people in need with us, please fill out the form below. If you know someone in need, please invite them to come Saturday mornings between 6am and 9am. If you would like to make a donation, you may do so by clicking the "Donate" button in the lower right-hand corner of this page (no PayPal account required).



Welcome Home depends on funds from private donations. If you would like to make a tax deductible donation to support this vital ministry please click here.